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Viewers Comments

Sarah Kennedy, Case Manager Supervisor, Oklahoma , USA

"My son recently saw an Ear Nose Throat surgeon for the first time. The doctor thanked me for giving him this video prior to our appointment as he had not heard of Stickler Syndrome before.  We think that the video is very informative and feel like ambassadors for the Stickler community when we hand out this video."

Dr. Ruth M. Liberfarb, MD, PhD.  Massachusetts , USA

"I think the video Stickler Syndrome: Learning the Facts is excellent. The information is understandable to all including medical care givers such as family physicians, geneticists, ophthalmologists, ENT specialists, audiologists, orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, physical therapists and rheumatologists.  I would like to advertise this video on my web site promoting the new Stickler Syndrome Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital ."
Dr. Gunnar Stickler, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Mayo Clinic, Rochester , MN

"The combination of eye, joint and hearing disease with occasional cleft palate in Stickler Syndrome is little recognized as an inherited disease. This may be due to the fact that specialists such as ophthalmologists or orthopedists are not aware of the associations between joint disease, eye disease, hearing loss and cleft palate. Distribution of the video, Stickler Syndrome: Learning the Facts will lead to earlier diagnosis and to a team approach to the care of such patients."
Rick Bishop, lives with Stickler Syndrome

"Before having a MRI on my knee, I delivered a copy of the Stickler video to my Orthopedist. This doctor was so impressed with the DVD and stated it helped explain the findings on the MRI and contributed to my diagnosis and treatment. He thanked me and stated he will share this with his colleges."

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